The Ultimate Push Present

Our new Push Collection was created after numerous requests to suggest my favorite push-gift ideas with my clients. Concurrent with this launch, I had actually pushed the newest member of my family into the world and wanted to share both my gift ideas and story with you.

Let's start with the gift ideas. Although my thoughts are biased, jewelry is the perfect everlasting memento for such a significant occasion. From a luxe Rolex watch for her to wear to Mommy & Me classes, to a stunning diamond necklace and diamond studs, my featured picks will have any new mama truly feeling the love and appreciation. When making these selections I would say I always pick the “little black dress” equivalent for jewelry- classic pieces that provide the cornerstone to build collections within your jewelry box. Check back as we update our selections and always let us know if you’re looking for something specific!

As for my most recent push story... I’ll keep it short and sweet, since that’s exactly what it was! Starting at 36 weeks, I truly believed every day that I was going into labor and somehow would convince myself that even the smallest stomachache could be pre-term labor contractions. After many false alarms, I finally can say that I had no idea what a contraction was or felt like and ladies... when you’re having them, you KNOW you’re in labor. As my due date started to get closer and closer, I became even more discouraged with all the false alarms I was having and needed to do everything and anything to keep myself distracted. That day it felt like we ran all over New York City. We came home for lunch and to put my son down for a nap when I felt a small trickle down my leg. I knew something was happening and went straight to the hospital. Over the next few hours, I was checked in and already was getting set up with an epidural in case the pain became significantly stronger. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss my opportunity to get one! Once that happened, it all went by so quickly. We listened to my Spotify playlists and before I knew it the doctor came in and said, “Are you ready to push?” I was so nervous and excited at the same time, and it’s such a crazy, life-changing experience. About 15 minutes later, my littlest love came into the world, as the doctor said “wearing 3 necklaces.’” (the umbilical cord was wrapped around her, but thankfully was cut off and she was fine).

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