The Chain Collection

Gold chains have always made up a significant portion of the jewelry that I encounter every single day. While working at my father’s pawnshops, they were easily the most requested item to purchase, and subsequently, one of the most popular items that our customers would come in to pawn themselves. As a result, I became fascinated with the links, the smoothness of the chains, and that sparkle that can form when gold is cut a certain way.

I’ll never forget this one specific day early in my career working at my father’s store on 116th and Lexington, when a mother came in to purchase her son his first gold chain. He had just turned 16, and this was a momentous point in his life where he was now becoming an adult. Therefore, she wanted to purchase him something that would be a “safety net, in case he ever needs it.” She explained to him that the gold chain could be used to get money if he ever had an emergency. “Gold is like a currency,” she said, “you can trade it in to get the money you need, then when more money comes in you can pay for it and get your chain back.” I overheard this conversation, and it really resonated with me — pawnshops tend to have a negative stereotype and underlining tone associated with them, however days such as this where I worked the sales floor provided me with vital knowledge regarding how our customers truly value and utilize our services.

It was extremely simple to this young man’s mother: make smart purchases, specifically of items that can be used in the future to liquidate and convert into cash if needed. To the son, this gold chain symbolized adulthood and freedom; to the mother it was a gift that kept on giving, in case he ever required some help. In hindsight, this is where my obsession with gold chains first started.

This week we launched our new Chain Collection, which I curated from endlessly scouring our inventory in search of the best of the best — if you’re looking for a classic chain like this young mother was, this is the perfect place to start. These pieces represent the peak of fine jewelry craftsmanship and, as always, if any one specific item in the collection is no longer in stock please reach out directly to and I’ll be happy to find the perfect piece for you! Long, short, or even in the style of a ring or a bracelet, a gold chain is always a classic, simple GOLDGIRL approved piece.

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